Welcome to CONCORDIA Social Projects

CONCORDIA Social Projects enables children and young people in need to have a sheltered childhood and prospects for the future. Together with your help, we have been working since 1991 to improve the living conditions of disadvantaged children, young people and families in Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova, Kosovo and Austria. You can support us with your donation for Children in Need.

Help now

[Translate to English:] Pater Markus Inama SJ
"We make sure that starving and neglected children can grow up in safe conditions. Let us ensure that together!"
Father Markus Inama SJ, Member of the Board CONCORDIA Social Projects

How you can help

30 years for children in need


CONCORDIA Verein für Sozialprojekte

supports children, young people and families in difficult circumstances by providing rapid assistance. The work is based on the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Click here for more Infos on CONCORDIA Verein.
