Your donation gives children in need a future.

With your help, we provide food, medicine, education and upbringing for the poorest children in Europe.

Tip: Most supporters donate 50 euros. This enables us to finance an education package.

  • With just 30 euros, we can provide a child with hot meals for a month.
  • With 50 euros, you can buy school books, exercise books and pencils.
  • With 108 euros, you can help us to provide medical care for a child.

Your data is transmitted via an encrypted connection and is secure at all times.

You prefer to donate directly? Here are our account details:
IBAN: AT28 3200 0000 1318 7893


Pater Markus Inama SJ - Vorstand CONCORDIA Sozialprojekte
Pater Markus Inama SJ Member of the Board
"We make sure that starving and neglected children can grow up in safe conditions. Let us ensure that together!"
Hanna Rauter CONCORDIA Social Projects Donation Service

Do you have any questions about your donation?

We are happy to help you.

Call us on 0800 400 406 or write us an email at spendenservice(at)
