LenZ is our learning and family centre for children, young people and families at risk of exclusion in Vienna.
Precarious living conditions, war and flight traumas, cramped living conditions and lack of language skills are just some of the factors that make it difficult for people with a migration background to participate in educational opportunities. This is not only true for children and young people, but also for women in particular, especially mothers.
In Austria, the educational level of the parents is still decisive for the school success of the children. On average, people with a migration background have a lower level of education and thus also a lower occupational status of their parents. In addition, precarious social problems are increasing in urban areas such as Vienna. Together with demographic challenges, this lowers the chances of learning success. This applies to school careers, successful graduation and the acquisition of various skills. We counteract this with our free services at the LenZ Learning and Family Centre.
We offer:
- free learning support, parent counselling and education as well as family support
- a women's German café with childcare (from 1.5 years)
- a language café
- a digitalisation course for women
- community action
- a shared flat for young male adults
- Accompanying social work
We are supported by a colourful and committed team of volunteers and interns.