A scar on the finger bears witness to the gnawing hunger

Little Andreea was so hungry that she sucked on her finger until it was completely inflamed.

Can you imagine what goes on inside a small child who cries desperately for days on end but mummy doesn't come? How terribly it must suffer in this situation!


Andreea was still very small when her parents had to leave her and her siblings alone for several days to look for work. In desperation and hunger, Andreea's eight-year-old brother climbed out of the window. He wanted to milk a goat and get some milk for his sisters. Attentive neighbours came to the children's aid and alerted the authorities.

  • Andreea before she came to CONCORDIA
  • Andreea lachte nicht viel
  • Ihr Finger ist ganz wund vom Nuckeln
  • [Translate to English:] Andreea aus Moldau ist nun bei CONCORDIA in Sicherheit Bei CONCORDIA kann Andreea wieder lachen
  • Gemeinsam mit ihren Geschwistern ist sie bei uns gut aufgehoben

Whenever the gnawing feeling of hunger became too great, Andreea sucked her finger. When she finally came to CONCORDIA, she already had an acute infection.


Andreea and her siblings have found a new home in one of our family-like residential groups. Thanks to our donors, the children were able to receive medical care and are now receiving sufficient food and attention. Andreea is now a happy and smart girl who laughs a lot and loves to tell stories.

Unfortunately not an isolated case

The Republic of Moldova is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Every third child lives in abject poverty. A lack of job opportunities forces parents to emigrate abroad, which is why 35,000 Moldovan children have to grow up without parents. They are looked after more poorly than well by their grandparents or other relatives. These children often have to fend for themselves and are hungry, lonely, neglected and ill.


Your donation helps these children

CONCORDIA helps young children who have been left behind with family-like residential groups that are specially designed to meet their needs. Unfortunately, the number of unattended under-3-year-olds is growing. In our residential groups, the severely traumatised little ones can come to rest in a safe and healthy environment. They are given food, clothes, toys and a loving hug whenever they need it. Please help us! Together we can alleviate a lot of suffering!
