Hier finden Sie aktuelle Stellenausschreibungen bei CONCORDIA Sozialprojekte in Österreich.

Terms of Reference: Consultancy Service on Gender Analysis

Deadline: 1st of January 2025

Download: ToR Dorcuments and Annex

1. Project details:

This assignment in conducting a gender analysis will provide support for the project “CARE”, co-funded through the Ministry of Social Affairs of Austria with the special directive “Combat-ting poverty in third countries”.

  • Project name: CARE - Community Assistance and Resource Empower-ment. Breaking the cycle of generational poverty in the ru-ral communities of Republic of Moldova.
  • Project locations: Republic of Moldova, Cahul, Chisinau, Stefan Voda, Stircea
  • Donor: Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit. Pflege und Konsumentenschutz (BMSGPK) (Ministry of Social Affairs of Austria)
  • Expected Start date: January 2025
  • Duration of assignment: 15 days
  • Implementing Organisations:
    • CONCORDIA Sozialprojekte Gemeinnützige Privatstiftung 
      Contact Person: Caroline Lercher Tauber 
      +43 1 2128149-34
    • A.O. CONCORDIA. Projecte Sociale (CONCORDIA Moldova) 
      Contact Person: Anatol Donu 
      Caritas Moldova Charitable Organisation 
      Contact Person: Irinia Novitchii

2. Background and project description

In partnership with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Moldova and Caritas Moldova, CONCORDIA aims to continue breaking the cycle of poverty, offering vulnerable children, youth, families, and older people opportunities for a self-determined life.

To sustainably reduce poverty, CONCORDIA adopts an intergenerational approach that fosters learning between generations while addressing the needs of key target groups. This approach not only builds on CONCORDIA’s existing programmes but also tackles intergenerational poverty by engaging local authorities and decision-makers in broad discussions.

The project is structured around three pillars, each contributing to the overarching goal through specific sub-objectives:

  • Systemic Level Support: This pillar focuses on strengthening the social sector by sup-porting Ministry of Labour and Social Protection employees, government organisations, and NGOs. Through training, workshops, and mentoring provided by CONCORDIA Aca-demia, the project aims to improve services for the vulnerable rural population. These activities align with the Ministry’s RESTART reform, which is crucial for long-term sys-temic changes and Moldova’s EU accession efforts.
  • Promoting Active Participation: The second pillar centres on fostering the active involve-ment of target groups in four rural areas. In the villages of Văleni (Rajon Cahul), Tudora (Rajon Stefan Voda), and Stircea, a pilot model of intergenerational exchange will be de-veloped to mitigate the impact of structural poverty. Activities like outreach work, home visits, storytelling workshops, mentorship programmes, and community fairs will pro-vide opportunities for people of different age groups to contribute to sustainable com-munity development.
  • Improving Health and Well-being: The third pillar aims to enhance the physical and emo-tional well-being of the target groups through community activities, which are designed to preventively reduce poverty's negative effects. Various forms of assistance will be of-fered to the most vulnerable members of the community.

3. Objective

CONCORDIA Social Projects is seeking consultancy services of a Gender Expert to undertake a gender analysis and preparation of a Gender Action Plan for mainstreaming gender considera-tions in the CARE project. The expert will closely work with the project coordinators to meet the objectives of the consultancy. 
The main objective of the current assignment is to conduct a gender analysis to:

  • Identify gender-specific barriers and opportunities in addressing intergenerational poverty: Analyse the different impact of intergenerational poverty on men, women, and non-binary individuals across age groups (children, youth, families, older people) to ensure the project effectively addresses gender inequalities.
  • Ensure gender-responsive project design and implementation: Provide gender-disaggregated data and insights to shape the design, implementation, and monitoring of all project activities, ensuring equal participation and benefit for all genders, especially in the most vulnerable groups.

4. Scope of Work/Specific Tasks and Responsibilities:

Under the overall supervision of the project coordinators and with consultations of Programme Departments the expert will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • a. Inception phase
    • Kick off meeting: Organise initial meeting to clarify roles, responsibilities, and expected outputs
    • Desk Review: Review the logical framework and project proposal for a complete under-standing of project results, locations and implementing partners. Gather secondary data to establish the broader gender context in Moldova, particularly rural areas and sectors related to social services, intergenerational poverty, and community participation in the regions of Chisinau, Cahul, Stefan Voda, Stircea.
    • Detailed work plan with methodology on data collection and timeline for field visits in each location.
    • Online meeting with CONCORDIA representatives about data collection methods and timeline in each location 
  • b. Field visits:
    • Collect primary data from project sites (regions Cahul, Chisinau, Stefan Voda, Stircea) to assess gender specific experiences of intergenerational poverty, social participation and access to services.
    • Conduct focus group discussions, interviews, and/or surveys with key target groups, ac-cording to the methodology agreed upon in the online meeting
    • Engage key stakeholders to understand their perspectives on gender dynamics and col-lect qualitative insights on gender roles and barriers
    • Analyse data to understand gendered impacts of poverty, participation in community ac-tivities, and access to social services. Gender-disaggregated results will be compared across different age groups and project areas. 
  • c. Final Reporting and Gender Action Plan
    • Prepare a comprehensive analysis, including methodology, findings and recommenda-tions
    • Create a gender action plan outlining specific recommendation for gender mainstream-ing in project activities and interventions, gender-sensitive indicators, and strategies for gender equality.
    • Present key findings to CONCORDIA and project partners

5. Expected Outputs/Key Deliverables

  • Online Meeting with presentation on preliminary findings of inception phase, presenting methodology for data collection and timeline
  • Final report on the Gender Analysis with key findings and recommendations
  • Gender Action plan on specific approach for gender mainstreaming activities in the pro-jects
  • Presentation of key findings and recommendations to the Projects and Programmes Team

6. Approach and Methods

The analysis will predominantly use qualitative data collection approach to capture a compre-hensive understanding of gender issues in the selected regions. The consultant may use the following data collection methods:

  • Desk review /literature review: Conducting a comprehensive re- 
    view of existing project documents, reports, and relevant literature to understand the project context, objectives, and potential gender and age-related considerations. 
  • Stakeholder Mapping: Identifying and mapping key stakeholders, including community leaders, women's groups, youth organisations, peacebuilding committees and relevant government ministries. Ensure diverse representation by age, gender, and disability. 
  • Focus Group Discussions (FGDs): Conduct separate FGDs for girls, boys, women, and men within each target community. Use age and gender disaggregated data to explore perceptions, roles, and specific challenges related to social assistance, community par-ticipation, employment and resilience in rural areas. 
  • Data Analysis: Analyse both quantitative and qualitative data using gender and age-disaggregated lenses. Identify patterns, trends, and relationships that contribute to a nuanced understanding of gender and conflict dynamics within the project scope.
TaskProposed  time  Duration Days (15)Relevant activities
Kick-off meetingBy 15th De-cember0,5Discussion of the assignment; first docu-ments, including available data are pro-vided
Desk ReviewSecond Half of December2Analysis and interpretation of existing data and documents
Online PresentationBy 15th of January0,5Presentation of preliminary findings and of methodology for the gender analysis
Field visitsBy 31st of January4Conduction of field visits; gathering, anal-ysis and interpretation of field data
Draft Analysis draft Ac-tion PlanBy 15th of February5First draft of analysis report and gender action plan for the project implementation
Submission of final re-port, gender action plan and presentation of key findings and recommen-dationsBy 25th of February3Submission and presentation of final analysis report and presentation of key finding to project responsibles and part-ners.


7. Qualifications of the review team

The review team shall have the following key qualifications:

  • At least master’s degree in Gender and Development Studies, social sciences, or related field
  • At least one person of the consultant team (team lead + expert) should either originate from Moldova or shall have profound working experience in the region. Thus, having ex-perience with local authorities and practice, political and decision-making processes;
  • Profound experience in consultancy working in international development sectoral pro-grammes, funded by institutional donors.
  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience and expertise in the consul- 
    tancy of gender analysis’, similar programmes and appropriate knowledge of data col-lection methods and data analysis;
  • Sound experience in the use of participatory methods and gender responsive ap-proaches;
  • Knowledge of the local socio-political and economic structures of the Republic of Mol-dova
  • Fluency in English (reading, speaking, writing); (Excellent) Knowledge in Romanian, es-pecially for local review consultants/facilitators compulsory;
  • At least one letter of recommendation from relevant institutions/NGOs.

The expert(s) must not have been involved in the design, implementation or monitoring of this project.

8. Review Management Arrangements

The main coordination of the gender analysis is within the responsibility of the project holder (CONCORDIA). This includes the management of the procurement process, the consultation with the expert(s) on content questions and technical as well as financial arrangements. Likewise, CONCORDIA will coordinate with the local partner organisations to arrange dates for field visits and the like.

Confidentiality of information: All documents provided to the expert(s) and all data collected during field research must be treated as confidential and used solely for the purpose of this re-view. Respondents shall not be identified in reports without their explicit written permission. Photos, videos, and other research data that can be traced back to individual research partici-pants shall be anonymised unless agreed otherwise, in writing, with the person concerned.

Ownership of data, findings, products: CONCORDIA retains full ownership of all data, findings, and products produced as part of this assignment.

Safeguarding and protection: For the time of the assignment, the expert(s) commits to safe-guarding and protection policies and procedures that are shared and reiterated during the pre-paratory phase.

Distribution Policy: All deliverables generated through this review will be subject to approval by CONCORDIA before public dissemination.

9. Coordination

Ms. Caroline Lercher Tauber will be the contact person for this review. 
Contact details:, +43 1 2128149-34.

10. Budget

The total budget of gender analysis must not exceed EUR 5,000 (including VAT, it the case). The financial proposal should include all occurred expenditures, e.g., travelling costs for the evalu-ator(s), office supplies, protocol, etc. Please note that the expert(s) will be responsible for paying income taxes and any other due taxes as per applicable national legislation.

CONCORDIA reserves the right not to pay the contractors or withhold part of the payable amount if requirement(s) established for this assignment are not met or if the deadline set for the ac-complishment of the tasks is missed.

11. Application procedure

The offer has to include a technical and a financial part. The total number of pages should not exceed 20 pages. The offer should not exceed EUR 5,000 incl. VAT.

Deadline for handing in offers is DATE 01.01.2025 5pm Vienna (GMT+1) via e-mail to caroline.lercher-tauber(at)

The offer should include the following points:

  1. CV/CVs focused on the skills and experiences requested;
  2. A cover letter underlining the motivation for applying for this assessment and how the candidates’ skills and experience match the requirements of the evaluation;
  3. A financial plan that clearly states how the budget (maximum EUR 5,000) will be spent. All costs (including travel costs) must be included in the budget frame.

If invited for an interview, candidates are asked to prepare a brief assessment plan (max. 3 pages) to be presented and discussed during the interview.

The name of the bidder(s), phone numbers, email addresses must be specified.

In the assessment of the offer, the following weighing will be applied:


Quality Criteria for technical offer:

  • Weighing 50 %
    • Experience in the relevant sector (intergenerational poverty, social work and social assistance, gender issues and inter-sectionality, employment, civil society, qualitative re-search); Experience with participatory and non-formal meth-ods for reviews and evaluation highly appreciated;
    • Experience in the programme region
    • Language competence
    • Feasibility of time plan
    • Assessment and analysis experience and gender of expert team
  • Weighing 50 
    • Financial offer

12. Annexes

Short Project Description CARE - Community Assistance and Resource Empowerment (Annex 1) 
Documents which will be made available to the evaluator after the contract was signed:

  • Original project document
  • All annexes to the original project document


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